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Mindfulness in Medicine Monday: Sarah

Writer's picture: TaylorTaylor

Hey, everyone! I am so happy to finally bring you a dental interview! Sarah is truly an amazing, kind person! She is a pre-dental student who just finished her certificate in biomedical sciences and is currently in the application cycle. Hope you find this is helpful! Since Sarah wrote it, I’m sure it is! Happy reading!


1) Tell me a bit about yourself. What is your professional background? Where did you go to school for undergrad? Where are you from? 

I majored in biology and minored in chemistry at VCU. Throughout college I was interested in biomedical research/ the health field, and field research for ecology and entomology. I am Filipino and was born and raised in Guam. Both my father and sister served in the military and I’d someday like to be a military dentist. A few of my hobbies are: getting out and enjoying nature, photography, and tending to my ever-growing collection of succulent plants.

2) Favorite food? Movie? TV show? Book?

I love all food, so this is hard! If I had to pick, I’d say anything covered in, or with cheese.

Favorite movie – Mean Girls

Favorite show – The Office (currently on my 8th time watching it)

Book – I unfortunately haven’t read in a long time since Netflix came and destroyed my life. (Girl, same.)

3) Why dental? Why did you decide to become a dentist (vs. other medical fields: physician, PA, nurse, NP, etc.)?

Growing up, my parents always pressured me to become a stereotypical nurse or a prestigious doctor, both of which are very respected in the Filipino community. I took interest when I first got braces in high school. I was drawn to the esthetic and artistic effect of dentistry at first, but have now grown to truly appreciate dentistry for the patient interaction and ability to help others through education, treatment, and alleviation of pain. Lastly, I gravitated towards dentistry over the other medical fields because of the financial stability and freedom to be your own boss/more flexibility.

4) What tips do you have for studying for the DAT?

ARI’S DAT BOOTCAMP STUDY SCHEDULE. I did so much better the second time around because it! USE IT, KEEP UP WITH IT, and DON’T TREAT IT AS A CHECKLIST. DAT Bootcamp is hands down the BEST resource to study for the DAT.

Be sure to review your notes on a daily or weekly basis. Flashcards were my number one study tool for organic chemistry, general chemistry, and especially biology. I suggest getting the account for quizlet or brainscape that will allow you to upload pictures – it helped tremendously for reactions and diagrams.

Stay positive and think happy thoughts during the duration of your studying! Join the bootcamp study group on Facebook – everyone on there is awesome and uplifting; it’s full of great advice. You will get burnt out and probably cry a couple times out of frustration, but remember a couple months of suffering is worth a lifetime of happiness and success as a dentist!

5) Any tips for applying?

I can’t stress this enough – do everything early and get everything in as early as you can. A lot of people (cough cough people on sdn) may say that timing is not nearly as big of a deal as others say it is, but it’s so important. People often forget how long AADSAS takes to verify transcripts, DAT scores, and letters of recommendation – verification takes WEEKS to complete and that’s if there’s nothing wrong with any of the above.

Try to get to know your professors in your undergraduate career so they can have something more sincere to write about in your LOR, instead of using a regurgitated template. Nothing is as stressful as scrambling around during application time to try and find professors to write your letter, which brings me to my next point – ASK THEM EARLY. A lot of professors are busy or on vacation mode during the summer. They may not respond in time or at all for your request!

Be sure to discuss the costs of applying with your family. As you may know, the DAT fee and application fees are very expensive. The average cost for the applicant applying to at least 12-15 schools (which is recommended) is approximately $2700. ADEA AADSAS does offer waivers for both the DAT and applications, but I believe there is some type of limitation to how much they can give. If your family cannot help pay for applications, try to keep this information in mind so you can try to save up before the cycle opens.

6) How do you stay motivated now?

I picture myself in my white coat!!!

7) What do you do to relieve stress?

Play with makeup, exercise, play with my dog, gardening, or take a nice hot shower while running an oil diffuser with lavender and mint!

8) What is your favorite inspirational quote or proverb? OR What is the best advice you have been given?

“Make sure you really want to go to medical school before you start pursuing it because there are a lot of times where it SUCKS and the only thing that would keep you going is your desire to be a doctor.

— My now very successful cousin who is an OBGYN, upon asking her for study tips in college as a freshman

9) Finally, what advice do you have to students who wish to have a career in medicine or STEM?

If you wish to pursue medicine or a career in STEM, do it for yourself, because YOU truly want to do it – not because your parents pressured you to. These types of careers are rewarding already, but you will be happier and more fulfilled if you are truly passionate about your work.


Thanks for the interview, Sarah! Wishing you the best of luck on your dental journey! If you want to read more motivational posts like this, check out my other interviews! And remember, 



Thanks for visiting my blog! Be sure to check out my other posts. More to come soon! Until then be kind and remember tomorrow depends on what you do today. Hope you enjoyed reading! — Taylor ❤


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