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9 Reasons Why You Should Become a Medical Scribe

Writer's picture: TaylorTaylor

Updated: Apr 20, 2020

Hey, everyone! So a lot of people have asked me about my scribing experience. So here’s a tell-all! First, let me explain what a scribe is and how you can apply! So I was a ER scribe for a year before moving on to grad school. A scribe is basically a personal assistant for physicians. They follow the physician and take notes on their patient interview, the patient history, medications, etc. After jotting down the information, they fill out the physician’s chart on a computer, which is usually provided by the hospital. You are often assigned to only one physician, though in some circumstances (very few) I found myself working with two physicians. Although it was an amazing experience, there are some cons. For example, the low pay, long hours (12 hours at the most), and stressful environment, especially if you work in the emergency department.

I applied to the position through ScribeAmerica, a popular medical scribe company. I enjoyed working for SA, because you can tell they really care about their employees. The company itself is geared towards pre-med students. I was able to work around my busy pre-med schedule (MCAT, college courses, etc.) without any penalty. This is the most flexible job I’ve ever had. You are required to take a few training courses online, for which you are paid. After you take the courses, you take a couple of exams. After your online training, you will begin floor training in the hospital. You can apply here and find a job opening near you. I found the listing for my job under Physicians may list for help on various websites so it’s good to Google for scribing jobs in your area. There is another company called Scribekick, where you can also apply.

Now, here’s 9 reasons why you should consider becoming a scribe!


You Get Paid to Shadow!

Not only are you obtaining clinical experience, you also have the opportunity to make money. You’re practically getting paid to learn. You’ll be able to afford that Starbucks drink before class.


You’ll Obtain Important Medical Knowledge!

You learn so much about medicine. You will know some anatomical and physiological terms before you step into the classroom. I learned a lot of medical terms and abbreviations. I was required to study and take a couple of exams in my training. By the end of your term as a scribe, you will know how to diagnose different conditions and what medications should be prescribed. You will also know the associated symptoms of various medical conditions. People will be coming to you asking, “What’s the diagnosis, Doc?” I’m completely kidding. That’s highly unlikely. But hey, someday they will!


You’ll Get Clinical Experience

Shadowing is great, but there are several benefits to becoming a medical scribe instead. Now, some medical schools want you to have different shadowing opportunities in addition to scribing. Contact your schools of interest to ensure you have enough clinical experience.


You Observe First-Hand Account of Relationships

You will see how trust is developed between the patient and doctor. You will also receive patient interaction experience. You will learn so much about the patient’s perspective. As a scribe, I was asked to speak with patients about additional information the physician needed. For example, I was frequently asked to find out what medications the patient was taking. You’d be surprised how much physicians forget. But that’s why we’re there to help!


You’ll Know How to Chart

Charting is not something you can learn from shadowing alone. As a scribe, you are the one filling out the charts. You will become familiar with the software and the billing and insurance process.  You will understand the importance of a physical exam and what is important to document when observing one.


You’ll Learn a Lot about Teamwork!

Once you’re a scribe, you become part of a healthcare team. You not only work with doctors but also with physician assistants, nurses, CNAs, lab techs, etc. The nurses are extremely helpful when you need to ask questions but don’t want to bother the attending physician. They literally do everything! They’re rock stars!


You Will Most Definitely Increase Your Typing Speed and Proficiency

After typing up so many charts, you will type at the speed of lightening.


It Will Look Great on Your Resume 

Having experience as a scribe will appear impressive to medical school admissions committees and other opportunities in medicine.


It Can Be Exciting! 

The experience is like no other! You will have so many new eye-opening encounters in your field of choice. Since I was in the emergency room, I saw laceration repairs, allergic reactions, heart attacks, car accidents, gun shots, etc. There’s never really a dull moment in the emergency room.


Now that you know all of the ins and outs, get out there and apply! Remember,


If you have anymore questions about scribing, comment below!


Thanks for visiting my blog! Be sure to check out my other posts. Until then be kind and remember tomorrow depends on what you do today. Hope you enjoyed reading! — Taylor ❤


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