Hey, everyone! This is my first official post. Yay! So I was asked a few questions about myself for this Q&A. Most of the questions are basic questions, while there is a small amount of career-related questions. If I missed your question, comment it below or message me! These questions are in no particular order. Hope you enjoy reading!
What’s your favorite TV show?
My favorite TV show is definitely Grey’s Anatomy. I know, so typical. But right now, I’m watching Pretty Little Liars on Netflix. I also like to catch Criminal Minds when the new season is on.
What’s your favorite hobby?
When I’m not watching Netflix, I like to read mystery novels. It’s really difficult to finish a novel while in school, so I have a lot of unread novels at the moment. I have a little Patricia Cornwell collection. I also LOVE to be creative! Crafts, drawing, painting, I love it all.
Why did you name your blog “Black Girl Medicine?”
As a black woman, I wanted to bring awareness to the lack of African American professionals in the field of medicine. I hope to encourage minority students to pursue a career in medicine or another STEM-related career through inspiration and representation. There are black women in medicine and other professional careers, breaking common stereotypes of black females. It’s all about that #blackgirlmagic.
What’s your favorite color?
What’s your biggest regret?
I don’t think I have any. I believe any struggle or bad decision I have made led me to where I am now.
What do you do?
I’m an ED scribe. I follow the doctor around the emergency room, take notes, and finish their charts. It’s almost like paid shadowing. It’s a great experience, and I highly recommend it.
Where are you going next?
I will be attending grad school this fall for a master’s in biomedical sciences and physiology! Follow my study journey!
What was your favorite class in undergrad?
It was a course called Health and Society. The class helped me to understand how social factors such as race, class, income, and education level can affect one’s access to health care, specifically those living in disadvantaged areas.
How do grades from prestigious universities compare to grades from other schools?
So this person asked about the perspective for both college and medical/dental schools. While applying to college, I don’t think there is much of a difference, but I can only speak from my experience. I went from being homeschooled to a community college. I was able to graduate with mainly A’s and transferred to a prestigious university in my home state. I don’t believe it truly matters where you come from. As long as you earn at least B’s in your courses, you can go to any school in your home state. I did realize that high school students had to have a lot more activities and hobbies than transfer students in the application process. As for medical school, I can only say what an admissions officer told me: It doesn’t matter if you attend a prestigious school or a lesser-known school, medical schools want to see A’s. Now, if you don’t make all A’s, that’s no big deal. You don’t have to make all A’s or even mostly A’s to get into medical school. There are doctors who made C’s in college. It may take you some extra steps, but you can definitely still get there. 😊
What’s your favorite food?
Pizza! I love a good classic pepperoni pizza or a BBQ chicken pizza with onion and cheddar cheese. Oh, and lots of BBQ sauce as the base. Mmmm… I eat so many different kinds of pizzas, but those are my favorites.
Favorite singer?
I don’t necessarily have one, but I do like Selena Gomez, Taylor Swift, and Tori Kelly. I will listen to an entire Lecrae album on repeat. Sometimes I listen to Frank Sinatra or upbeat violin music when I study.
Favorite movie?
Probably Frozen. I love Olaf!
If you could go anywhere in the world, where would it be and why?
I would absolutely love to go to DisneyWorld again. Out of the U.S., maybe Italy or Spain.
Why do you want to be a doctor?
Well, it all started at community college. I realized that I loved science, but I wanted to help people and make a difference in the world. That’s when I found my love for medicine. I want to be able to give care to others, while using scientific knowledge.
Have you taken the MCAT?
I have not taken it yet and will talk a little about why later this month. I was scheduled to take it in May but decided not to take it.
What’s your ideal study space?
Anywhere near a huge window with a nice view and comfy chair, especially a lounge chair where I can raise my feet. But the chair can’t be too comfortable, because I WILL fall asleep. I also love to sit in the library between bookshelves. If I don’t leave my apartment, I sit at my desk near the window.
Main goal?
To become a physician and serve disadvantaged communities!
What’s your favorite summer activity?
I love to go to the amusement park in my area. I love to ride roller coasters as long as they’re not too high.
What’s your guilty pleasure?
Unfortunately, online shopping and sweets. Yeah… no está bien.
How important are extracurriculars in undergrad?
I personally believe that they are extremely important not just for your resume or application but for your well-being as well. You should always have something to participate in besides school. It helped to keep me sane and release my stress from time to time. Medical/Dental schools will be looking for other activities to see the kind of person you are beyond school.
Last but not least, what part of the U.S. are you from?
I’m from the South!
Thanks for all of the questions! If you have any other questions, just ask! I check my email and Instagram daily. Stay tuned for my other posts and 1k giveaway!
Lots of love,