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Writer's picture: TaylorTaylor

Hey, everyone! So if you have been following me on Instagram, you know I’m in the process of moving for grad school! I thought I’d tell you a little bit about my program and the new things I will be experiencing soon.

I am moving out of my parents’ place to an apartment I will be sharing with my roommate. She is in the same program so it’ll be great to have someone in the same situation. She’s awesome, and I’m excited to share this experience with her. Packing has been a bit stressful though. Trying to figure out what I need and what I don’t has been a struggle. I can’t pack every single clothing item from my closet as I would like. I’ve had to narrow down what I’m bringing with me and what I’m leaving behind. So many cute dresses and shoes will be left at home! First world problems, right? I literally didn’t realize how many shoes I had until packing. I probably haven’t worn most of them due to working in the ER. I have one pair of shoes I wear for volunteering in the hospital and another for scribing in the ER. This past summer, I rarely went anywhere else besides the hospital. That lovely pre-med life…

Anyways, let me tell you a bit about my program. I will be participating in a year-long post-bacc program in biomedical sciences. My class consists mainly of minority students from what I can tell at the moment. It has a mix of courses relating to biomedical sciences and healthcare professions. I will also be taking a Kaplan MCAT prep course, which is included in the program. There is a near-by medical school, where I will be taking a course. I am most excited about anatomy lab, because I have never worked with cadavers. I’m a little anxious about the MCAT, but I have so much time to prepare. I will start conducting a plan to conquer the MCAT next week. I will be sure to share my results and advice later on.

Please pray for me and wish me luck as I embark on this journey. I am thrilled to be completing this program this fall and will be sure to keep y’all posted. Until then be kind and remember tomorrow depends on what you do today!


Thanks for visiting my blog! Be sure to check out my other posts. Hope you enjoyed reading! — Taylor ❤



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