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Mindfulness in Medicine Monday: Me

Writer's picture: TaylorTaylor

Hey, everyone! I hope your social distancing is going well, and that you are becoming more productive as you adjust to spending days inside your home. I cleaned a bit yesterday, and I feel a bit more at ease. Speaking of being at ease, today is Mindfulness Monday! This post is a bit different, because it's from yours truly. I am trying to do more guest posts to focus on the MCAT studying, but I decided to take a break to share some of my own mindfulness techniques. Which technique should you use? Stop and assess what you're feeling. Are you feeling tired? You might need a nap. Are you feeling stressed? Maybe you should find something that will calm your mind. Here are 11 mindfulness strategies I practice from time to time when I become stressed or just need to relax. (Yes, 11, because I couldn't make it 10.)


1. Meditate

Now, if you grew up in a religious household, you might have been told meditating is religious or you shouldn't practice it because it goes against your religion. This is completely a myth. Not true. Meditation is what you make it. So, if you want to use to connect more with your religion, you can. I personally use it as a time to not think about anything. (Okay, as I figured out at like 10 years old, it's impossible not to think, because then you'll be thinking about if you're not thinking blah, blah, blah, but you get the gist.) It's a time where I just don't think about what's going on in the world, not even what's going on around me. You can concentrate on your feelings, your body, whatever relaxes you. If you have trouble concentrating or don't know how to meditate I recommend using the Calm app. *Not sponsored* Haha! But seriously, I pay $20 a year for it, and it is a life-saver! The app has a lot of meditation tracks that can guide your meditation sessions. My favorite one to use is where speaker tells you to focus on relaxing one part of the body at a time. Calm also has background noises and music to study and/or sleep, emergency meditation sessions for panic attacks, nature sounds, and bedtime stories. I personally use the bedtime stories and rain sounds to sleep, which leads right into number 2!

2. Rest

I was talking to my mom the other day about my nocturnal sleep schedule, and she told me every since I was little, I have needed sleep to do anything. Everyone needs rest to function. You need sleep every day! Specifically, you need 7-8 hours of sleep per night. I have been working on getting my sleep schedule together, because it really disrupts my studying. One thing I have learned throughout my 6 years of schooling: naps are essential. If you need a nap, take one! Don't feel guilty about letting your body rest. Sometimes I take a nap before studying, and I wake up ready to tackle my MCAT books.

3. Breathe

I learned from a counselor years ago about breathing exercises. I admit I was hesitant about them at first. I was like, if I'm in public and feel overwhelmed, just stop and....breathe? What if I'm in a test? Will they think I'm cheating? People are definitely going to think I'm crazy. But now I know, no one really cares what you're doing unless it affects them. And if they do, that's their problem. DO WHAT'S BEST FOR YOU. I digress. Anyways, here are some instructions for how to do a popular breathing technique called 4-7-8.

  1. Empty your lungs.

  2. Breathe in through your nose for 4 seconds.

  3. Hold your breath for 7 seconds.

  4. Breathe out forcibly for 8 seconds through your mouth.

And that's it! You can adjust the amount of time you breath in/out and hold to fit your liking.

4. Tune In

Sometimes I just need a distraction to keep my mind off things. Is it the best technique? Probably not, but it works! I will get overwhelmed and decide to watch a movie or something. (My current loves: How to Get Away with Murder, Insecure, and This Is Us when I need to cry) Sometimes it's just nice to focus on some fictional character's drama and ignore your own. *shrug*

5. Exercise

Sometimes ya girl needs a good run on the elliptical (not treadmill since I had a terrible accident with one at 16.....yeah, I may never ever step on one again...anyways...) I like to take a trip to the gym, walk around my neighborhood, practice some yoga, or go on a hike. Finding some way to be active can be a major stress reliever.

Now, you can do some of these now due to the pandemic, BUT you can watch some yoga videos at home or walk around your neighborhood while maintaining a 6 ft distance from the nearest person and wearing a mask.

6. Read

I like to pick up a book sometimes to escape my surroundings. Whether it's reading my Bible devotionals, a fictional novel (I love a good mystery), or a non-textbook medicine-related book (like When Breath Becomes Air, The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks, Black Man in a White Coat, etc.).

7. Be Creative

If you follow me on Instagram, you know that I LOVE painting and drawing. I haven't done it in awhile, so I'm a little rusty with techniques, but I'm learning. It's so fun to just get your mind off stressors and create something you can hang in your room or give to a friend/family member. If create something, send it to me! I love to other people's work! Here are some of my recent paintings!

8. Listen and Jam

Remember those scenes in the old Grey's where Cristina and Meredith would get really stressed or overwhelmed so they stopped everything and just danced it out? Let me give you reminders in gif form.

I do this alone in my room sometimes, no shame. Sometimes you need to let loose and dance to your favorite tunes! Nothing like a bit of Doja Cat or Ariana Grande to get your brain juices flowing. (Yes, I know that's not real, I took anatomy. It's just a saying. Don't @ me.)

9. Talk It Out

When I'm stressed, I like to talk to whomever will listen. I'll call my mom, my best friend, or my good friend who is also pre-med, Tiffany. I love talking to someone in the same situation so Tiff gets a lot of calls from me. (I interviewed her here.) If I need to connect with God, I'll pray. He never gets tired of hearing from me. Talk to that person who will listen and calm you down. If you need any advice, remember my DMs are open!

10. Refresh

A good ole shower can be SO relaxing! It's something about the hot water and smell of soap, aaahhh! It's like pressing the refresh button my browser to me. I feel like I can conquer anything when I'm clean. Weird? Maybe. You should try it!

11. Explore

I love EXPLORING. Whether it's going to the mall, museum, or taking in nature on a hike, exploring the world outside of your study environment is a great way to unwind. Take a break and go on a road trip! It can be a big trip to another state for a weekend or something small like going to the grocery store. Here's me exploring a botanical garden, because plants = peace, y'all.


Well, that's it! That's what I do to relax. What's your favorite technique? Comment below or tell me on social media! Remember, you got this!


Thanks for visiting my blog! Be sure to check out my other posts. There is more to come soon! Until then be kind and remember tomorrow depends on what you do today. Hope you enjoyed reading! — Taylor ❤


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