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Mindfulness in Medicine Monday: Shannara

Writer's picture: TaylorTaylor

Hey, everyone! Mindfulness in Medicine Monday is back! I had the pleasure of interviewing Shannara, a rising first year medical student. She will share a bit about how she manages stress and what keeps her motivated. Hope you enjoy!


1) Tell me a little bit about yourself. What is your main career goal?

My name is Shannara, and I will be going to Medical School at Drexel University to get my MD. I’m not sure which field of medicine I want to go into but I think I would like to do orthopedics or some kind of surgery. I like running, reading, and going new places with friends.

2) What’s a fun fact about yourself?

I used to play field hockey for my undergraduate school Goucher College.

3) Where are you in your medical journey?

I will be entering my first year of medical school this August.

4) What was your major in college? 

I was a Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Major (1 major) with a minor in psychology.

5) How will your major help you become a better physician?

I think biochemistry is behind everything our bodies do. So sometimes thinking at that level can help us understand bigger problems.  I also believe with my psych minor I can better understand where my future patients are at mentally, which affects recovery dramatically.

6) What kept you motivated throughout college?

Whenever I feel a lack of motivation I always try to think of the end game. When I was a pre-med, it was often getting a good GPA or getting a high score on the MCAT. Trying to be the best I can be, not only for my future patients but also for myself.

7) How do you stay motivated now?

Right now, I don’t have much work to do, but I feel that when I get into med school I will have entirely different motivations. Mostly thinking about doing well on the USMLE and being the best that I can be for my patients. My friends and family also help me stay motivated through everything.

8) What do you do to relieve stress?

I like to run but also watch TV, which might be bad. (I do this too!I also like going to do things with friends even if it’s studying with others!

9) What is your favorite inspiration quote or proverb? 

“Falling down is a part of life, getting back up is living.” It’s my favorite quote of all time. It keeps reminding me that a part of life is having setbacks. During college, I got a C in Calculus 2. I worked so hard in that class and still didn’t end up with the grade I wanted. Coming back to this quote just makes me realize that I probably learned more about life in that class then I did in any of my other classes. It was important to have that set-back and realize that I could still achieve my goals.

10) Finally, what advice do you have to students who wish to have a career in medicine or STEM?

It’s not going to be easy, but it will be worth it. Also, listen to the people that have gone before you. Our best advice is what helped get us to the point we are. The best piece of advice that I have is to always believe in yourself.

Thanks for sharing, Shannara! There will be a new #WomenCrushingItWednesday post this Wednesday. Thanks for reading! Keep going and remember,



Thanks for visiting my blog! Be sure to check out my other posts. More to come soon! Until then be kind and remember tomorrow depends on what you do today. Hope you enjoyed reading! — Taylor ❤


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