So you want to shadow, but you’re not sure where to begin? Don’t worry about it!

Hey, everyone! In this post, I’ll give you the steps I took to shadow a physician and proper etiquette to follow. Though I worked as an ER scribe for a year, I felt it was necessary to have clinical experience in different fields of medicine. In addition to emergency medicine, I have shadowed in cardiothoracic surgery and family medicine. I plan to shadow in additional areas, specifically pediatrics since my goal is to become a pediatrician.
Without further ado, here are some steps to take to shadow a physician.
Start searching
In order to find a doctor to shadow, there are a couple of things you can do.
If you know any physicians (such as your parents, friends, personal doctor, etc.) ask them if it is possible for you to shadow them or if they know anyone who would be willing to let you shadow them.
You can also search Google for physicians in your area. Compile a list of physicians and call each office. Inform them of why you are contacting the office and ask if it is possible to shadow the physician. You can also email the physician directly, but you may not receive an immediate response.
You can google shadowing programs at your local teaching hospital – a hospital associated with medical school. I found one program online and applied immediately. They were able to connect me with physicians. I emailed the physicians one by one. Look at the sample email below.
Make some connections. Volunteer in your local hospital or become a medical scribe. There are several ways to network and meet doctors.
Sample Email
As I stated earlier, you may have to email physicians to ask them about shadowing. Here is a sample email you can use.
Dear Dr. ___________: My name is _____________, and I am currently a __________ (year in college; sophomore/second year, junior/third year) pre-med student at ________________ (university). I am in the process of exploring different aspects in medicine, and I am interested in the field of ________ (pediatrics, oncology, cardiothoracic surgery, orthopedics, etc.) I would greatly appreciate the opportunity to shadow you to obtain a better understanding of your field. Please let me know if this would be possible. Sincerely, ____________ (Your Name)
Make sure the email is direct and straight to the point. Don’t go on about your history or why you are interested in medicine. Doctors usually don’t have the time to read long emails and might avoid them.
Prepare for the Big Day
Once you have found a physician, you should start prepping for the day.
Find out where the place is and if possible, do a practice run. Make sure you know where you are going and how much time it takes to get there. DON’T BE LATE. If possible, be early. It demonstrates your level of interest and professionalism.
What to Wear:

You should wear something business casual. For the guys: I suggest a button-down, collared shirt and dress pants/khakis. For the ladies: You should wear a modest dress or modest blouse and knee length skirt/slacks. Above is a picture of what I wore during my first shadowing experience. I decided to go with a knee-length black skirt and white blouse. I also wore heels, but I suggest that you wear flats. My feet were on fire by the end of the day. I’ve worn flats during my shadowing experiences ever since. Also, make sure you follow the dress code.
What Not to Wear: Whatever you choose to wear, it is vital that you iron your outfit. Wrinkled clothes can give a poor first impression. DON’T wear anything too revealing or too tight. Everything that you wear must be modest. Don’t wear any flashy jewelry. Keep jewelry to a minimum.
Ensure you know and follow the hospital codes. For example, if nail polish is not allowed, don’t wear any. Know what to do in case of emergencies.
Be Confident
Once you have arrived, walk to the front desk and let the receptionist know why you’re there. Always be friendly and respectful to everyone. No matter how small of a role you think they play, every person’s impression matters. There is no small role in healthcare. When you meet the physician, maintain eye contact and be courteous. Thank them for the opportunity and keep the conversation going. Pay attention to what conditions, symptoms, and medications are mentioned during physician-patient interaction. You can also speak with patients. Small talk only. Don’t ask the patients anything personal or about their condition. Leave that to the doctor. Some students like to take notes on what they observe, however, this may not be permitted due to HIPAA.
Recently, I was asked via Instagram how to approach physicians. Know that every physician is a person who used to be a pre-med student. They have experienced everything you have as a pre-med student. I was shy at one point and had trouble approaching authoritative figures. Once I realized they were in the same position at one point, I became confident enough to approach physicians. You also need this clinical experience to get into medical school. Don’t let lack of confidence stop you from your ultimate goal: becoming a physician.
Send a Thank You Note
After your day of shadowing, you should send a thank you note or email. This physician allowed you an amazing opportunity to explore their workday so that you can better understand medicine. Why not thank them for it? Sending a thank you note shows your gratitude and means a lot to the physician. This note will also allow you to begin a professional relationship with the physician and potentially receive a letter of recommendation in the future. Additionally, it will be easier to approach them again about shadowing. Here is a sample thank you note.
Dear, Dr. ___________: I appreciate you taking time out of your busy schedule to grant me the opportunity to shadow you _________ (day of the week) and for the knowledge and insights you provided me in the field of __________ (specialty; orthopedics, pediatrics, etc.) [Insert a personal memory here]. It was a pleasure to meet you. Best regards, ____________ (Your Name)
Now, you’re all set!
I hope this helps you to find and shadow a physician. You will do just fine! If you have any additional questions, please comment below. Remember,

Thanks for visiting my blog! Be sure to check out my other posts. Until then be kind and remember tomorrow depends on what you do today. Hope you enjoyed reading! — Taylor ❤
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