Hey, everyone! So as you know, I have been following the keto diet since the beginning of January. I stopped my diet before my exam, because stress, guys. Don’t judge me. But the keto diet has been rough, since I have a HUGE sweet tooth. I’ve been trying out Stevia and everything about it is a LIE. Okay, maybe not everything. However, the one that I use claims not be bitter. This is anything but the truth.

This is the brand of stevia that I use.
Stevia is SO bitter. It does have a sweet taste to it, but it is overpowered by the disgustingly weird, bitter taste common to stevia. I started mixing stevia and sugar, because too much of it can be overwhelming and gross. If anyone has any recommendations to make stevia taste better, let me know! I plan to try erythritol with the stevia later on this month to see if it helps. But in my opinion, it is the worst. Long story short, there is 0% stevia in the recipe at the end of this post.

You are welcome to substitute any sweetener you like. As for me, the only thing I have is stevia and sugar. Sweets, in general, have been a challenge for me during this diet. I have tried to make brownies, cookies, and cake… All of them turned out to be fails due to the gritty almond/coconut flour and bitterness of the stevia. So I decided to leave desserts to cheat day or indulge in Halo Top during the week. Halo Top ice cream is the only keto-friendly dessert I enjoy. Anyways, onto the recipe!
I was craving lemonade and found that I had 2 limes and 1 lemon. So I improvised and came up with this recipe:
1 cup of sugar (or any other sweetener)
2 cups of hot water (boiled for few seconds)
4 cups of water
12 oz of lemon-lime juice mix (1 lemon, 2 limes)
Boil 2 cups of water and add the sugar once it begins to bubble. Stir until completely dissolved. Add the 4 cups of water and lemon-lime juice to a pitcher or large bowl. Mix in the sugar water solution. Adjust sugar/sweetener and water to your liking and chill in the fridge.
So in the end, there will not be any stevia in my future, because it’s way too bitter for my liking. Just know, for all of those sweet tooth keto-dieters, stevia is not the best choice for a sugar substitute.

Thanks for visiting my blog! Be sure to check out my other posts. There is more to come soon! Until then be kind and remember tomorrow depends on what you do today. Hope you enjoyed reading! — Taylor ❤